i strongly prefer working from the console, if i can. i fire up x, only only when i use gui apps. i'm gradually migrating to the console, which is where it all started! :-)
what do i currently use? read on for a summary...
wm: dwm, ratpoison,
browser: elinks-lite, links2, opera, iceweasel,
pdf: epdfview,
image viewer: sxiv,
editor: leafpad
term emulator: pterm, st
screenlock: slock, xtrlock
mux: tmux,
editor: busybox vi, nano-tiny
file mgr: links2, ncdu,
pager: most
mail: mutt
rss: newsbeuter
irc: irssi
torrent: rtorrent
multimedia: mplayer2,
iradio: shell-fm
mixer: rexima
downloader: axel
cd/dvd writer: wodim
android: adb
virtualisation: kvm, qemu
since, busybox is installed. i tend to use most of the busybox applets instead of the debian default utils which i purge to reclaim space. i find that smaller apps are quicker using less memory/diskspace.
i am waiting for emdebian to mature on x86. i'll migrate to emdebian with kvm! :-)
additional references:
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