The kernels provided by Debian include the largest possible number of features, as well as the maximum of drivers, in order to cover the broadest spectrum of existing hardware configurations. This is why some users prefer to recompile the kernel in order to only include what they specifically need. There are two reasons for this choice. First, it may be to optimize memory consumption, since the kernel code, even if it is never used, occupies memory for nothing (and never “goes down” on the swap space, since it is actual RAM that it uses), which can decrease overall system performance. A locally compiled kernel can also limit the risk of security problems since only a fraction of the kernel code is compiled and run.
# apt-get install linux-sourcecurrent kernel source
# apt-get install build-essentialrequired to build debian packages
# apt-get install fakerootroot not required, not recommended, to build packages.
# apt-get install libncurses5-devfor
$ mkdir ~/kernel $ cd ~/kernel $ tar -xaf /usr/src/linux-source-{version} $ ln -s linux-source-{version} linux $ cd linux $ cp /boot/config-{version} .config $ make oldconfig
$ make menuconfig $ make clean $ nice -n19 make -j3 deb-pkg LOCALVERSION=-nixventure
if you get such warnings
warning: File::FcntlLock not available; using flock which is not NFS-safeignore them, or
# apt-get install libfile-fcntllock-perl
a successful build creates many files in the parent directory. the most interesting one is the kernel (linux-image-*.deb), and perhaps the headers (linux-headers-*.deb), which we can install just like any deb pkg.
$ sudo dpkg -i ../linux-image-{version}.deb
dpkg will trigger an update of your bootloader. reboot and test your own customised brand new shiny kernel.
$ apt-cache search linux-patch $ apt-cache search kernel-patch # apt-get install {linux/kernel}-patch-{??} $ cd ~/kernel/linux $ make clean $ zcat /usr/src/kernel-patches/diffs/*/*.patch.gz | patch -p1
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