i had a requirement for a static front page, for my blog to mimic a website. this is not too difficult. but not too obvious either.
wordpress provides a simple way to specify a static front page, and also to specify a page for your blog posts.
the following steps are for Google Blogger hosted blogs.
our first step is to create our static front page. we call it Home.
[Pages] -> [New Page] -> [Blank Page] -> [Page Title] -> [Home] -> [Save]
the default home page of a blog is the list of recent posts. we hide this default home page.
[Layout] -> [Pages] -> [Edit] -> untick default Home -> [Save]
[Pages] -> [Show pages as] -> [Top tabs]
_ notice (default) Home is Hidden
next, we redirect the default home to our new front page.
[Settings] -> [Search preferences] -> [Custom Redirects] -> [Edit] -> [New Redirect] ->
_ From: /
_ To: /p/home.html (verify page name)
_ Permanent: yes
[Save] -> [Save Changes]
we will lose our blog by redirecting the home page, since our blog was the default home page. so we create another page and link it to our blog.
[Pages] -> [New Page] -> [Web address] ->
_ Page title: Blog
_ URL: /index.html
finally, reorder all pages
[Pages] -> [Show pages as] -> [Top tabs]
_ notice (default) Home is Hidden
_ drag (new) Home to top of list
_ drag Blog to required
don't forget to save!
[Save Arrangement]
Apparently, blogger on mobile works funny with redirects. Test it:
Till blogger resolves these issues, the best that we can do is disable the mobile template.
[Template] -> [Mobile] -> [No] -> [Save]
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