i installed jwm, and themed it to look & feel almost exactly the same as my crunchbang waldorf with openbox/tint2. it took a lot less effort. and it uses quite a lot less of resources too. purging all that lot reclaimed some resources too. all on this journey towards reclaiming resources from bloatwares becoming ever hungrier, and courtesy of all those big-is-beautiful fanatics!
the only reason we need to buy bigger/faster hardware is to keep up with bigger/slower software. in the end, the processing power and memory leftover is still about the same% or lesser than what we previously had. more efficient/smaller systems which can perform the same/better is what i expect on a development lifecycle of things getting better. i should be able to use the same old hardware much better with newer software, or i'm moving backwards. can you think back about a decade, and check whether your computer was faster than now?
i for one will continue on my quest. i don't have a need to show-off, or prove to anyone else. i'm happy using older hardware, and my systems are much quicker/faster than my neighbour's latest toy. guess i should re-title this post!?
to get back on topic. this one single simple file is a replacement for quite a few complicated (directories of) config files littered in various directories all over the filesystem. compared to all those various openbox/related config files, this is so beautiful.
vi ~/.jwmrc
sylpheed lxterminal -e tmuxj leafpad /etc/jwm/debian-menu root:1 showdesktop xload -nolabel -bg black -fg gray70 -hl yellow gsimplecal Conky Lxterminal Iceweasel Sylpheed Sans-8 1 gray80 black:gray20 gray20 gray50 black:gray10 gray10 Sans-10 black gray80 0.1 gray70 black grey80 gray20 none gray20 gray10 gray30 black gray50 Sans-9 gray80 gray10 black gray70:gray50 Sans-8 gray20 yellow black up down right left left down up right select escape close maximize desktop# showdesktop next prev nextstacked prevstacked root:1 root:1 window exec:lxterminal -e alsamixer exec:amixer set Master 0 exec:amixer set Master 5%+ exec:amixer set Master 5%- exec:gmrun exec:dmenu_run -i -nb black -nf gray exec:xkill exec:lxterminal -e htop exec:firefox exec:firefox -private-window exec:sylpheed exec:lxterminal -e bash exec:lxterminal -e tmuxj exec:thunar exec:geany exec:leafpad exec:lxterminal -e alsamixer exec:jwm -restart exec:jwm -exit exec:sudo shutdown -r -t 5 now exec:sudo shutdown -h -t 5 now
that doesn't show correctly on here, probably because of the embedded xml tags :( any tips on how to embed some code snippets on this blog? if you can't see the config above, you can pick it up from my gitbox.
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